Through our separately managed accounts, we build a customized portfolio of individual investments for each client based on specific requirements that may include legacy positions, tax loss harvesting, income needs, etc.

If you are interested in opening a separately managed account, please contact us at (415) 434-4441.

Core Equity Strategy

Our core equity strategy invests primarily in common stocks of Quality Growth companies that the Osterweis Capital Management investment team believes offer superior investment value and opportunity for growth. The team focuses on a select group of companies that it believes have durable competitive advantages, attractive growth prospects, and strong management teams. The team seeks to invest in these businesses when they are undervalued or underappreciated by the market.

Account minimum
$5 million

Strategic Income Strategy

Our strategic income strategy employs a multi-sector and flexible duration approach that seeks to invest in securities offering the highest risk-adjusted yield and expected total return.

Account minimum
$250 million

Small Cap Growth Strategy

Our small cap growth strategy focuses on identifying high quality companies in emerging industries and defensible growth niches that have open ended growth potential. We seek to buy the stocks of such companies before they are discovered or when investors are very skeptical about future prospects, and capture compound earnings growth over time.

Account minimum
$25 million

Growth & Income Strategy

Our growth & income strategy invests in both equity and fixed income securities that the Osterweis Capital Management investment team believes can deliver attractive long-term returns and enhanced capital preservation. The strategy also focuses on generating consistent and growing income over time in addition to capital appreciation.

Security selection emphasizes investments that are poised to deliver growth and income over time.

Account minimum
$5 million

Flexible Balanced Strategy

Our flexible balanced strategy combines our equity and fixed income strategies using a flexible allocation approach. The strategy seeks to capitalize on the growth attributes of equities and the capital preservation attributes of bonds.

Account minimum
$5 million

Clients invested in separately managed accounts are subject to various risks including potential loss of principal, general market risk, small and medium-sized company risk, foreign securities and emerging markets risk, default risk, interest rate risk, inflation risk and liquidity risk. Additionally, there is a risk that we do not manage the asset allocation strategy successfully. For a complete discussion of the risks involved, please see our Form ADV Brochure and refer to Item 8.